Sunday, June 5, 2011

The domino theory

Is your family like mine where one mistake leads to a series of errors that ultimately end in disaster?
That's the way the Foster family rolls and it played out Saturday afternoon while putting down mulch in the backyard.
It was a hot and muggy day and I needed relief. I asked Celine to bring me ice water to cool me down while working. Little B helped out and got himself a mug of water. But here is mistake one. He put his water next to my cell phone on a canvas chair.
There is mistake number one. I said "dude you know that is going to spill on my phone and ruin it." My wife's car was in the garage so I placed it on the back of the car.
There is mistake number two. I was lazy. I should have put it in the house.
I went back to work.
My wife wanted to run errands so she backed up the car to leave. I moved my car so she could get out of the drive way, forgetting that the cell phone lay on the back of her car. Now let's go back a month. Little B left his I-touch on the back of the car, it fell off and she ran over the game system and crushed it.
Abs backed the car out again and I watched her take off, not thinking anything is wrong.
Fifteen minutes later I realized what I did with the phone. Oh no.
I told the kids and we looked in the drive way. No phone.
We looked in the street. No phone.
So now I'm thinking this damn thing hung on for a while and is probably being trampled on Woodward or Grand River Avenue.
I immediately thought of the series of mistakes that led to my phone becoming shrapnel. This was not good.
Suddenly Celine came running with my phone. It was not damaged and it was still working. Somehow it rolled off the car and landed softly in a big pile of mulch.
How many times do things like this happen in your life? At least this one had a happy ending.

1 comment:

  1. I had a moment like that about 5 summers ago. I was 18, and had just gotten my first cell phone. I was hanging out with a friend that day, and I had my swim suit on because we were gonna hang out in her pool later, but we weren't then, so I was wearing a pair of men's swim shorts over top of them. I had put my phone into the pocket of the shorts while we went and got lunch. We came back and went straight into the pool. It wasn't until about 20 minutes later that I remembered where the phone was. Unlike yours, mine didn't survive.
