It has nothing to do with the taste or the quality of the hotdogs. They are both good and the snap of the dogs when you take that first bite is like a slice of heaven.
It has nothing to do with the chili sauce or mustard. I love them both and love to scoop up the extra sauce with my fork.
It is all because of the drunks. Drunk people entertain me. They make me smile and they make me laugh just as long as they are not behind the wheel of a car. I like how drunk people are piled up on one another in Lafayette and are forced to share tables.
They are more spread out at American, although the extra room can lead to some interesting shows of "Dancing with the Stars."
Piling people up on top of one another at Lafayette leads to hilarity.
For instance I was in Lafayette about two years ago when a woman with obvious bleached blonde hair sat across from her husband. A drunk eyes her up for about 30 seconds and blurts out. "You look terrible with that fake ass hair."
The 20 minute argument that followed made my two coneys go down so easy.
I love when drunks do that little side head cock trying to put a Coney in their mouths. I like when drunks miss their mouths and get mustard and chili sauce all over their chins.
I like when drunks talk real loud and slow and think they sound intelligent.
I like when drunks see their first hooker and stare as if they've seen aliens.
National Coney Island in Royal Oak is another great spot for The Drunk Show. Those are younger drunks and they act like they own the place. Those are entitled drunks so they show off by ordering four coneys and then try to eat them. They usually don't finish but watching them try to eat is wonderful.
It is all about my entertainment. Drunks in the Coney?
It is some of the best entertainment in town.
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